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Siamsamut Warin selectively works with the best Lobster supplier which has made the supply of high quality lobsters possible.
Lobsters are graded one by one, for size and quality, and are packed with the best procedure to ensure that we deliver our lobsters with the highest freshness and with consistency of quality.

Live Maine / Canadian Lobsters
Chicks: 450-540 grs
Quarters: 550-645 grs
Halves: 650-780 grs
Select: 790-900 grs
Deuces: 900-1100 grs, 1100-1300 grs
Small Jumbo: 1.3 - 1.8 kgs
Medium Jumbo: 2.8 -2.7 kgs
Large Jumbo: 2.7 kgs
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